Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Whatever the Weather We’re Better Together

If the Weatherman could actually control the climate he’d be the best paid man on the planet. Brides-to-be would be lining up at his door to line his pockets with some cold, hard cash to ensure warm, dry weather for their wedding day. Strategies for selecting dates promising favorable weather range from consulting the Farmer’s Almanac to just picking a day on the calendar, crossing fingers, and hoping for the best. Unfortunately, when it comes to wedding day weather there is no guarantee. We’ve learned two things about wedding day weather over the years. 1. Always have a contingency plan if you’re planning an outdoor wedding. Better to have an impromptu indoor wedding in the event of a monsoon than to blow the budget sending a groomsman to Target for every rain poncho and umbrella available. 2. Whatever the weather we’re better together. Meaning, at the end of the day you’ll still be married and your wedding will be full of wonderful memories. If unwelcome weather crashes the wedding it may prohibit outdoor photos but it’ll only enhance the wedding day stories. We even had one bride who was married in a hotel lobby during a hurricane. It was more of a boutique hotel, no ballrooms or event space to relocate her beach wedding indoors. Recanting the story for us a few months later she shared this sentiment, “While we obviously wouldn’t have chosen to get married in those particular circumstances it made us realize that if we could make it through a hurricane and still say ‘I do’ then we could make it through anything.” Weather can't stop true love's sunshine.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

“Last minute Lucy” vs “Plan ahead Paula”

My family has always been the type to wrap a present in the car on the way to a birthday party. We literally kept tape and scissors in the car and would often purchase the wrapping paper on the way to the event. To this day I get compliments on how well I wrap a package which I credit, in part, to wrapping many a present while in a moving vehicle. If you’re one of those people who get the most done at the last minute then you’re nodding your head and thinking, “Great idea! Why waste time wrapping in advance?!” If you’re a careful, consistent, calendar addict then you’re questioning my sanity and, perhaps, my upbringing. Either way, each of us has methods of getting things done that suit us. Some work best under pressure, some want to keep pressure as far out of the picture as possible. It’s important to identify which of these two characters you are and plan accordingly. If you’re “Last minute Lucy” just make sure you don’t underestimate your time and push everything out so far that you’re completely overwhelmed at the last minute and drown in your “to-dos”. If you’re “Plan ahead Paula” keep in mind that your task list does not have to rule over you. There is, in fact, more than enough supporting evidence that if something on your list has to be pushed back a day, or even a week, the world will not implode. I promise. Key point: Magnify your strengths and identify your weaknesses so you can strategize accordingly.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Our story

Everyone has a story. We’re very grateful for the recent opportunity to share ours through Northside Woman Magazine. When Christina first approached us about being featured in the Bridal issue we were, of course, very excited. However, we had no idea how beautifully Candy’s writing and Devon’s photography would be woven together to give you a glimpse of our personal and professional journey. We hope you’ll enjoy the “behind the scenes” tour of Treasures. Click the link to view the digital edition of our story:
See more of Devon's photography or book her for your wedding through her site:
Flowers for the photo shoot were provided by our friends at Flowers from Us. Learn more about them and book them for your wedding:

"Behind the Scenes" pic of the photo shoot for Northside Woman Magazine